

Page history last edited by Sylvia Duckworth 13 years, 8 months ago Saved with comment



ytlearn is a Wiki where educators are invited to share their own learning from YouTube and also to indicate whether or not YouTube is accessible to educators in their place of work and to see if they are aware of the reasons why YouTube is blocked.


Follow the # on Twitter #ytlearn - short for YouTube learn - and if discussing this topic on twitter please use this # in your tweet.


Please add as many examples as you wish.  Learning does not have to relate to professional learning



YouTube url [if known]


Twitter id

Educational Institution

Unblocked or Blocked 


Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal






Holywell High School, Flintshire 

[11-18 secondary school]

Not sure
Stop Frame Animation Using Movie Maker  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ourSxSLlvlw  Ceri Williams  @cerirwilliams  Torfaen Education Authority  Unblocked (at least wasn't blocked last July)
Using Google Sketchup to design robots (and other things) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wSvMUdnW_8 Bev Evans @bevevans22 Pembroke Dock Community School, Pembrokeshire
Blocked E-safety - mainly due to comments. Is unblocked in local teachers' centre. LEA run a service whereby you can send them url from you tube and they will make it available via the portal. Most people just download using real player or zamzar... 
Using film clips for digital literacy eg avatar, Disney's 'The Litlle Match Girl'




Cherise Duxbury @cherise_duxbury High Lawn Primary School, Bolton
Blocked Not sure
Using film clip for Maths revision, as a starter for 'predicition' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx7dxz2CUU Neil Phillipson @BobToms100 Grendon Underwood Primary School, Bucks Blocked E-safety, etc. LA wide filtering of YouTube, unless individual head request unblocking & then they have responsibility to manage very very use.
Using Pixar Film Clips for PSE and Literacy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJzQiemCIuY  (plus a number of others in this style) Bev Evans @bevevans22 Pembroke Dock Community School, Pembrokeshire
Blocked See above...
Effects of smoking on your body animation (suitable for KS2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mjTchyMcD4 Bev Evans @bevevans22 Pembroke Dock Community School, Pembrokeshire
Blocked See above...
Animated version of The Highwayman for literacy  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le727fRZHpA Bev Evans @bevevans22 Pembroke Dock Community School, Pembrokeshire
Blocked See above...
(very good) GCSE/AS/A2 - la banlieue en France, l'intégration, l'argot (Grand Corps Malade - "Je Viens De Là") ♪♪ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LXaSFgVxGs Alex Bellars @bellaale

Ballard School,

New Milton, Hampshire

Blocked for kids (but I still access it via my laptop) Not sure...
Publishing staff and student work (animations, Prezicasts, sound files, etc.) for sharing with other students and also to get feedback from other sources http://www.youtube.com/user/SociologyatCJs?feature=mhee Ian Harris @IGH69 Cecil Jones College, Southend-on-Sea, Essex Blocked for kids (but I still access it via my laptop) Policy written into LEA provision on grounds of e-safety and generally because people get worried and don't like to address their anxieties
How useful 'Horrible History' clips are to add into history lessons + being able to search for news clips from the last century   Dave Stacey @davestacey Olchfa School, Swansea Unblocked for staff, blocked for students Concerns about access to inappropriate content by students. 
all videos in foreign languages- too many to list; they are ideal tools for language enhancement too many to list Kath Holton @kath52 Argoed High School, Flintshire all blocked - for staff and pupils e-safety, I suppose

Too much to list in full!!

Instructional/How to videos

short films

adverts for persuasive writing

video version of books

Horrible Histories

Fun Science Steve Spangler

etc etc etc

http://www.youtube.com/user/Stevespanglerscience Mary Farmer @ebd35

The Cedars Primary

EBD Primary Special School

all blocked - for staff and pupils

Pretty sure it's because:

esafety and comments. Think they will unblock but becomes complete responsibility of head (strongly discouraged)


end up using zamzar or Tooble to download in order to use ;o(



Videos for French teachers and students http://www.youtube.com/user/sduckworth100 Sylvia Duckworth @sylviaduckworth Crescent School, Toronto Unblocked Great resources for learning!


This is clearly not the first attempt at raising this issue.  Tom Barrett [ @tombarrett ] has written a full blog post on this issue on the edte.ch blog. The post is titled Blocked For Me, Open For You.


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